About Me

I hate air conditioning.
I don't like Cheetos, but when they're stale I can't stop eating them...same for cereal.
I hate when people think women should do traditional things like cooking and cleaning, but I love when men do traditional manly things like changing my oil or opening jars for me.
If i were a color, I'd be yellow.
On the same note, yellow skittles and starbursts are my favorite.
I used to be a nail biter. I quit cold turkey, cause I'm a tough bitch.
I'll read Maxim over Glamour every time. I don't need to learn how many eggs I have or how to get a man to love me, but I would, however, like to learn how to do bar tricks and about cars and read funny stories that aren't centered around love.
I despise wearing make-up.
I am a writer by nature but always seem to be at a loss for words, so I rely on the words of others to convey my feelings. I probably won't say I love you, but I'll quote a poem about it.
I believe in the power of random acts of kindness.
I believe the most powerful facial expression we can make is a smile. One smile can change the course of history.
Very early morning is my absolute favorite part of the day.
I have a preoccupation with vintage jewelry.
I could spend an entire day in a bookstore...as in forget eating, sleeping, or any human interaction at all.
The library is my safe place...its like comfort food.
I am obsessed with bananas.
Cupcakes are my favorite. I recently ate a banana cupcake and my life suddenly made perfect sense.
I am extremely nosy.
I always have a red pen, and antibacterial hand gel.
My imagination is way too big for my own good, and will get the best of me in every situation it can.
I have quotes from books I've read, songs, articles - you name it - written on random pieces of paper everywhere. I find them in odd places on a daily basis.
I always, always root for the underdog.
Talking a bunch of shit is my favorite part of playing any game. I don't even care if I lose...
I am obsessed with gray t-shirts, tank tops, and sweaters. I have so many of them, its actually bordering on embarrassing.
I have dreams of being the girl in a music video someday.
I separate chex mix and eat it one ingredient at a time.